Senin, 24 Agustus 2009

How Cells Make ATP
by PHOSPHORYLATION... adding a phosphate to ADP
ADP + P ------> ATP

a) substrate level phosphorylation...
where a substrate molecule ( X-p ) donates its P to ADP making ATP

b) chemiosmosis - [Oxidative Phosphorylation via Electron Transfer Chain]...
food substrates donate e- & protons to acceptor molecules [NADH], i.e., oxidation.
NADH gives up electrons & protons are pumped out of mitochondria
(or the chloroplasts in photosynthesis);
protons diffuse back into mito thru an enzyme - ATP synthase,
the ATP synthase enzyme makes ADP + P --> ATP figure *

c) photophosphorylation....
e- of light energy, instead of food covalent bonds, are captured by chlorophylls
to make a proton gradient across the chloroplast membranes... figure*
66.gif (249 bytes) protons move through a chloroplast ATP synthase enzyme to make ATP

Oxidative Metabolism... (cell respiration)
occurs in heterotrophic organisms that consume foods
... we say organisms oxidize (consume) foods (often glucose) to make energy
because they remove & capture electrons...
... where is energy in foods? it's in the covalent bonds (e-)
Thus - METABOLISM is cells capturing e- via REDOX reactions.

e- passed from one molecule to another [PGAL --> NAD+] in a chemical rx
energy is transferred into the new molecule (a redox couple) by holding e-

OXIDATION = removal of electron &/or proton from food covalent bond

REDUCTION = gaining electron &/or proton; adds an electron to an acceptor molecule
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a model redox reaction...

A-H + B-O
<---> A + B-O-H

donor acceptor (:H) acceptor donor
PGAL NAD+ 1,3-bisphosphoglycerate NADH

reducing oxidizing becomes becomes
agent agent oxidized reduced

Oxidation state* and energy relationship --> the more reduced = the more energy it holds

an example using acceptor coenzyme (redox couple) NAD+ <--> NADH*

Thus : metabolism becomes the stepwise oxidation of foods

if aerobic - requires oxygen as electron acceptor

if anaerobic - requires no oxygen (uses other e- acceptors)

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Cell RESPIRATION... is Concept Activity 9.1 - Overview of Cellular Respiration
Investigation chapter 9.1 - How Rate of Respiration is Measured

1. oxidation of GLUCOSE --> CO2 + H2O
& 2. reduction O2 to H2O

C6H12O6 + 6O2 <----> 6 CO2 + 6 H20 + e- ---> 36-38 ATP
DG = -686 Kc/mole 263Kc = 38%

called oxidation... because e- are removed from glucose

called reduction... because e- passed to O2 making water
& 3. phosphorylation of ADP (thus oxidative phosphorylation)
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a more complete definition of cell respiration :

- series of enzyme rx's (biochemical pathways) in the cytoplasm & mitochondria that,

- remove e- (oxidation) from covalent bonds of substrates (as glucose), and

- pass e- to acceptor molecules [coenzymes] such as NAD+ & FAD*
which become reduced [ NADH & FADH2 ]

- the reduced coenzymes [ NADH & FADH2 ] pass e- to other acceptors...
a series of protein electron carriers called cytochromes,

- the electron carriers [cytochromes] pass e- to O2 --reduction--> H2O

- cytochromes also pump protons [H+] out of mitochondria into peri-mito space,

- protons move back into mito thru a special enzyme (ATP synthase*) & make ATP

71.gif (292 bytes)

Enzyme Pathways* of Cell Respiration...

Glyco-lysis : converts 1 glucose (C6) to 2 pyruvate (C3)
produces : 2 pyruvate, 2 NADH, & 2 ATP (net)
occurs in : cytoplasm [anaerobic]
may include : alcoholic fermentation = glucose --> alcohol
lactic acid fermentation = glucose --> lactic acid
KREBS Cycle : oxidizes : 2 pyruvate to CO2 + H2O
produces : 8 NADH, 2 ATP, 2 FADH2
releases : 6 CO2
occurs in the mitochondria [aerobic]
ETC - Electron Transport Chain : uses carrier proteins (cytochromes, etc...) and
passes e- & H+ from NADH & FADH2 to O2 to make H2O
generates a proton gradient (chemiosmosis) across the inner mitochondria membranes
& ATPsynthase : the enzyme of the inner mitochondrial membrane
72.gif (228 bytes) end that lets H+ back into mitoplasm & makes ATP directly

Glycolysis... don't memorize the pathway, but learn the...
Concept Activity 9.2 - Glycolysis
1. substrate level phosphorylation* [occurs twice in glycolysis]
2. redox reaction step 6* involving NAD+
3. reactions --> investment phase* & payoff phase* - Summary of glycolysis*
Quicktime movie animation of glycolysis
*view for homework

FATE of NADH - need to regenerate NAD+: mito membranes is impermeable to NADH
alcoholic fermentation* "history of wines"
lactic acid fermentation* also called anaerobic respiration
shuttles* malate shuttle (liver, kidney, heart) = NADH c --> NADH m
glycerol-P shuttle (muscle/brain) = NADH c --> FADH2m
Purpose: to move electrons captured in cytosolic NADH c into mitochondria


FATES of PYRUVATE (figure*) Concept Activity 9.5 - Fermentation
if anaerobic alcoholic fermentation & lactic acid respiration
77.gif (328 bytes) if aerobic pyruvate dehydrogenase + Krebs Cycle


- 2 ATP to initiate

- 2 substrate level phosphorylation steps = 4 ATP gross

thus Glycolysis makes: what goes in & come out*
2 ATP (net),
2 NADH, and

remember the role of the ... Fermentations & Shuttles

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Heterotrophic Metabolism in Aerobic Organisms...

Krebs Cycle [Sir Hans Krebs] the Fate of Pyruvate*

in mitoplasm (Fig 9.10)* oxidizes PYR --> acetyl-CoA
a multienzyme complex of 60 proteins and 5 coenzymes
involves CoASH* -----> acetyl coenzyme A [Fritz Lippman]
reactions: 1. decarboxylation (-CO2),
2. reduction of NAD+
--> NADH,
3. acylation & synthesis of AcoA

KEY Reactions of KREBS CYCLE
1. NAD+ is reduced (NADH) and FAD is also reduced (FADH2)
2. substrate level phosphorylation occurs (GTP <--> ATP)
3. decarboxylation occurs [-COOH]
4.* an acylation reaction via coenzyme-A (forms Acetyl-coA)

SUMMARY Reactions: [Krebs Cycle Quicktime Movie*] Summary figure* full cycle
75.gif (329 bytes) --> how many actual ATP have we made so far? Activity 9.3- The Citric Acid (Krebs) Cycle

Concept Activity 9.4 - Electron Transport*
the coupling of oxidation of substrates (-e) to the phosphorylation of ADP to make ATP
ยต remember, most of the energy of glucose's bonds is now carried in NADH & FADH2
e- passed from NADH/FADH2 to O2 via "carrier molecules"* names*
these series of electron carrier proteins occur in 4 membrane subunits fig 9.16*
I) NADH Reductase, II) Succinate Dehydrogenase
III) Cytochrome Reductase, IV) Cytochrome Oxidase
Virtual Cell - ETC animation*

(fig 9.16*) & ATP Synthase (fig 9.14* & EM)
creation of a hydrogen ion gradient (H+) by e- flow thru the ETC
- some e- carriers release protons to outside (into perimitochondrial space)
- H+ diffuse back into mitoplasm thru ATP synthase ---> ATP via a molecular motor*
- Boyer hypothesis* & animation of ATP synthase of mechanism by D. Nicholson*
- bacteriorhodopsin* provides experimental proof of H+ gradient making ATP

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